movie Geometric accuracy
Surface Grinding Machine

¥ 4,800,000 (excl.VAT)

¥ 480,000 (VAT)

¥ 5,280,000 (incl.VAT)

* Prices are for provision as-is basis at the respective locations.

No BN2300112001
model PSG63SA manufacturer Okamoto Machine Tool Works CO.,LTD.
year 2015 place Miyoshi Resource Center Aichi
Table work plane 605×300 Table Longitudinal travel 750×340
Grinding Dimension (OD×W×ID) φ355/305× 38×φ127
grinding wheel rotational speed (50Hz/60Hz) 1500/1800rpm
Magnetic Separetor

Geometric accuracy
Geometric accuracy
* We apologize for any incorrect information in the PDF materials. The actual product takes precedence.