Used machine tools, plastic forming equipment, and more.
We trade in used products in good condition.
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U-MACHINE(THAILAND)CO.,LTD. (hereinafter "The Company") focus on enhancing the system of internal management such as risk management, compliances, and internal audits as one of the most important issue for businesses. The Company recognizes that it is our social responsibility to handle customer's individual information appropriately, and sets out Privacy Policy as follows. In addition, The Company management and employees observe this policy, and ensures the protection of personal information.
The purpose of collecting personal information shall be clearly indicated, and the collected information shall be used and/or provided within the scope of the indicated purpose.
Collected personal information shall be managed accurately and kept up to date to the extent required for the intended purpose.
Collected personal information shall be managed strictly to prevent illegal access, loss, disposal, modification, and leakage; adequate security measures shall be taken.
Individuals may review and edit their own personal information stored by the information provider after authenticating personal identification following our predefined procedure to the extent appropriate. If an error is discovered in the retained information after disclosure, it shall be corrected immediately.
Recognizing the importance of protecting personal information, we shall establish an internal system for protection of personal information by implementing systematic security measures and continuously improve them.
Jumpei Takaichi